When you adjust the Apollo x4's preamp gain knob and physical controls, the plug-in adjusts the preamp's behavior to match the target preamp. The plug-in actually adjusts the preamp circuit itself, including parameters such as impedance, analog gain structure, and much more. In essence, Unison is a bidirectional communication between the Apollo x4's mic preamp and a Unison-capable plug-in, such as the included 610-B plug-in that re-creates the sound of UA's classic 610 tube preamp.

The Apollo x4's Unison preamp technology goes so far beyond traditional software modeling and emulations that it's really in a category all its own. If there was ever a time to upgrade to an Apollo, now's the time!Ĭapture the sound of legendary preamps with Unison technology

Finally, the Apollo x4 boasts compatibility with UA’s LUNA software, giving you a tightly integrated recording, editing, and mixing environment, with full software-based control over your interface’s parameters, global console and tape emulations, and advanced real-time tracking. Beyond that, you get sub-2ms latency and ample expandability, thanks to the Apollo x4's ultra-fast Thunderbolt 3 connectivity. The Apollo x4 Heritage Edition comes with a premium suite of 10 award-winning plug-ins, along with the Realtime Analog Classics Plus bundle, arming you with accurate emulations of vintage analog hardware. Four Unison preamps allow you to track through models of the industry's most legendary gear. Experience top-shelf sound quality, by way of the Apollo x4's upgraded elite-class AD/DA conversion. Track and mix with spot-on emulations of tried-and-true studio classics, thanks to UA’s powerful QUAD Core processor. If you want legendary UA sound quality and processing but feel that Apollo X interfaces are beyond your reach, think again! The Universal Audio Apollo x4’s performance rivals its larger brethren, but eschews extraneous features like 5.1 surround monitoring and +24dBu operation for a streamlined, desktop design that’s tailor-made for project studios. Zvočniške komponente (nizkotonci, visokotonci).

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